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Canary Deployment step

This topic provides settings and permissions for the CD Canary Deployment step.

What Workloads Can I Deploy?

See What Can I Deploy in Kubernetes?

Canary Deployment

In this step, you will define how many pods are deployed for a Canary test of the configuration files in your Service Definition Manifests section.

See Create a Kubernetes Canary Deployment.


              - step:
type: K8sCanaryDeploy
name: Canary Deploy
identifier: Canary_Deploy
skipDryRun: false
type: Count
count: 1
timeout: 10m


Enter the name for the step.


In Instances, select Instance Count or Percentage.

In Instances, enter the number of pods to deploy.

If you selected Instance Count, enter the number of pods.

If you selected Percentage, enter a percentage of the pods defined in your Service Definition Manifests files to deploy.

For example, in you have replicas: 4 in a manifest in Service, and you enter 50 in Instances, then 2 pods are deployed in this Phase step.


How long Harness should run this step before failing it. Enter a minimum of 10m to account for network activity in your target environment.

Skip Dry Run

By default, Harness uses the --dry-run flag on the kubectl apply command during the Initialize step of this command, which prints the object that would be sent to the cluster without really sending it.

If the Skip Dry Run option is selected, Harness will not use the --dry-run flag.

Traffic Routing Configuration

For information on how to configure traffic routing for Canary deployments, see Traffic Routing Step Reference.


See the following topics for these settings:

See Also

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